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Welcome to the Beettam Farm!

Welcome to the Beettam Farm!

Welcome to our first blog post!! We are so excited that you are joining us on our journey while we grow and develop our Market Garden. 

For those of you that our new to Beettam Acres, we started growing our own vegetables in 2021, through the poor grocery store quality and ever rising costs associated with groceries we decided we wanted to provide fresh local produce. 

Needless to say it has been an adventure with our first garden in 2021 we used conventional gardening techniques quickly realizing that man power to maintain our garden was unsustainable. So in 2022 we switched to a zero-till garden. We will talk about this more later but basically we have eliminated much of the needed man power while also putting nutrients back into the soil. This has also allowed us to become chemical FREE! 

We currently have a greenhouse where we start all our own plants including flowers. New to our garden this year is the addition of mason bees and a small squash patch, 2023 is already shaping up to be an amazing year and can't wait to share our produce with you. 

Subscribe to our email list to early access to deals, discounts and in season produce. 

Because if you can't Beettam... grow em' 


Becca and Bobby 

Photo Credit: Cheryl Heather Photography 

Organic or Chemical Free? How to decipher the difference.

Organic or Chemical Free? How to decipher the difference.

For this month's blog, we will take a little detour into a subject that has sparked much controversy and is something we at Beettam Acres are quite passionate about. What is it? We want to talk about organic versus chemical free. If you follow us, you will know that we are a chemical-free operation. This means we use only natural products, including making our own fertilizer and don't use any sprays to prolong the shelf life of our produce.
Before really diving into the difference between these two growing methods, we first wanted to provide you with the definition of each.
Organic: food produced without the employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants or pesticides (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2023)
Chemical Free: Not using artificial chemicals in farming, such as insecticides and fertilizers. (Wiktionary, 2023)
Upon finding these two definitions, we had to ask ourselves what the difference really is. Why is the "Organic" produce in grocery stores so much more expensive? Did you know that to become "certified organic," you must submit an application to a certifying body that reviews your application? An inspector is sent to your site to ensure you comply with the Canadian Organic Standards (Alberta.ca, 2023). If at any time you are found to not comply with the organic standards, your organic certification is revoked.
You can see why we have, while essentially the same thing, decided to become chemical-free. By not using chemicals or sprays, we are ensuring that we provide you with produce that is fresh and full of deliciousness in every bite. We can also spend more time focusing on perfecting and growing the produce. We are not saying that Organic is a bad thing, but we at Beettam Acres want to keep our products affordable and readily available for our customers. As always, we encourage you to do your own research when buying products.
Because remember, if you can't Beettam… grow em'
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The power of the SUN!

The power of the SUN!

With the days finally starting to get longer that means that you have successfully made it through another Alberta winter. If you are like us you are starting to get excited about the upcoming gardening season, and may already have started planting. While it still may be a touch cold to plant them outside if you are lucky enough to have a large south window or even a greenhouse you may have noticed how powerful the rays are from the sun. The following picture was take on February 21, 2023, you remember that last cold snap we had.  

 With the temperatures feeling more like -30 with the windchill I decided to run a little experiment. If it was that cold outside how warm would it be inside our greenhouse? 

Hard to believe that even with a little bit of sunshine there was almost a 30 degree difference between the outside and the inside of our greenhouse. This led me to a little more research. Did you know that Alberta gets roughly 312 sunny days the highest in all of Canada (TravelAlberta, 2023). This means that our tomato plants that require at least 8 hours of sunlight to get started are a great seed to pre-start in a bright sunny place. Other seeds that also do well with lots of sun are peppers, basil and many flowers. These bright sun rays not only provide the sunlight our plants need to grow but the heat as well. A pepper for example needs temperatures between 24 degrees and 28 degrees to germinate.  

While Spring and summer still feel like they are ages away spring is hopefully just around the corner. Time to get those seeds out and start thinking about our gardens and flower beds.  

Because if you can't Beettam... Grow em' 

Happy Planting Everyone! 

Love Becca and Bobby 

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The Next Generation

The Next Generation

February 2023: Farming with the Beettam's First Generation
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